The End Time Call Of Pure Worship
THE END TIME EVERLASTING GOSPEL CALL OF PURE WORSHIP PSALMS 34: Preached as the Oracles of God on Feb.16, 2014 ( 1. 20. 36 ) Introduction up to 4:20 Main…
Courageous German Christian Woman – May We All Be Like Her
Watch this bold courageous German woman take a stand like Martin Luther of the Protestant Reformation.
Unprecedented Soon Coming Four Blood Moons Indicate Major Events
It is unprecedented that there has been such strong signs of major historic events of God’s divine intervention for his purposes about to unfold beginning at the feast of Passover…
Amazing Recent Breakthrough Innovations in Israel
I saw an amazing series of documentaries on the 700 club on new innovations coming out of Israel that are making a powerful impact on Israel and around the world.…
Evil Exposed in High Places in Obama Government
Below is a video that exposes someone in the Obama government that is filled with unrighteous hate and expresses plans to kill off the white race and yet is in…
The Reality of Angels
Children Praying
I did some diligent search to find some videos that are very moving on children worshiping God. These videos will deeply touched and blessing. They feel my heart with tears…
Exposing Hitler – What an Eye Opener
I had no idea about the greatness of the deception and the extent of the evil in Hitler until I saw this documentary that just came out!
Signs of Deception in The Catholic Church
Here is end time signs in a coming great deception that is so shocking with clear evidence even from youtube videos of top people in the Catholic church in their…