• October 22, 2024 12:12 pm

My Mother Went to Heaven Today


Jun 28, 2022
My Mother In Her Home 2018Picture taken January 5, 2018. My mother in her Rancher. where I looked after her for 21 months.

I am finishing this email this morning. The second paragraph I wrote yesterday night. I was just told at 9.42 AM by my sister that my mother passed into heaven a few minutes ago which I would estimate was at 9.30AM today on June 28, 2022. I am gong to really really miss her a whole lot because I was very close to her. It was a privilege to serve her 21 months in her rancher where I temporarily lived with her when she could not walk because of her hip that was replaced at her age.  I have attached a picture of her back then in 2018 on January 5, 2022. Here is the link to the most recent videos of my mother including today at http://loverealized.com/care-home-visits-to-mother/ .

My Mother In Her Home 2018
Picture taken January 5, 2018. My mother in her Rancher. where I looked after her for 21 months.

I had earnestly prayed three days ago that God would make a way where there was no way for myself and my sister who have not been vaccinated to be able to go in and see my mother. We were outside her bed room window and I put a tube through into her ear so she can hear me as she was very deaf. My sister was with me and we were expressing our frustration with not being able to go inside. Suddenly one of the nurse came in and told us that we could go in and see our mother against all their rules. We wonder if the other nurse at the entrance would let us in and she gladly did. After all this time with covid we could not go in and then here we were. We hugged her and kissed her even though she was very weak as you can see from the video link above. On the second day a another nurse told us we could not be with her but we ignored her and continued to see her that second day because the other nurses felt differently. Later the nurse had their meeting and it was decided that we could not go in until the doctor phoned to tell us she was close to death. That was yesterday. However, now we discovered our mother had left her earthly shell of a body into her new ultra real permanent spirit body which is far superior to the physical body and she is now in heaven meeting having a glorious meeting with Jesus Christ and all her beloved dear friends in Christ.

Mother and Dad
Mother and Dad

Some of you know my mother who is now 98 years old. She is in the care home at Cedar Hill lodge across from Langley hospital.  I have been visiting my mother 2 days a week in Cedar Hill care home next to Langley Hospital for probably about 4 years. I discovered through my sister, Francis, that she had her fourth covid vaccine. Why did they not ask us permission before they gave her these deadly vaccines? Now, she can hardly move, raise her hand, and does not eat. Her lungs are filled with flem. My heart is broken for her. I saw her boldly witness to many about Christ when I took her shopping to Costco and so on. When looking after my dad in the care home Mom came with me. Once this elderly couple that were English an led an air fighter squadron in world war II yelled and cursed at my mother when she hardly rubbed against them while they were eating in their chairs. Instead of reacting to their uncalled for cursing which took us by surprise, my mother returned love towards them. This so amazed them that they than became very friendly to her. This is one of the amazing qualities my dear mother had. During world war II my dad who was in the Navy and my mother used to sing and give their testimony in a street meeting they had with other Christians on Granville street in Vancouver and then invite people for coffee nearby to talk and come to receive Jesus Christ.  Here is the link to the most recent videos of my mother including today at http://loverealized.com/care-home-visits-to-mother/ .

May You Open to The All Consuming Love of God

It is worth it all by infinitely far.

David James Thomson

One thought on “My Mother Went to Heaven Today”
  1. Condolences to you and your family congratulations for the care you were able to give her my mother in law just passed away 3 no ago she was also 98 we had her in our home but now she’s in Glory we will meet again soon

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