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The Ultimate Positive That Not Even Atheists Can Ignore

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  • The Ultimate Positive That Not Even Atheists Can Ignore

This Message Turned Out To Be An Evangelistic Message!

Preached as the Oracles
of God on March 30, 2014 ( 1. 06. 41 )

Introduction up to 3:37
Main Message from 3:37 to 1.06.41



March 10, 2014 Monday
Acts 19:
The genuine baptism of the Holy Ghost is often accompanied with a speaking in tongues and with prophetic utterance. Those that go forth to preach the gospel in the baptism of the Holy Ghost have God’s presence to the degree that even handkerchiefs and such like that are touched emanate great power to bring healing and cast out demons. God will allow his power to be contrasted with the powers of evil in order to expose them and bring many conversions of full repentance with the burning of all occult.

March 11, 2014 Tuesday
Malachi 3:
1. At the coming of the Lord there will be refining fire of his holiness that will purify God’s people to worship him in purity that is pleasing and acceptable to God and therein be judgment upon all those that do not fear the Lord as evidenced by their unrighteous lives. It would seem that no one would be able to endure this coming of the Lord as a consuming fire of holiness except it be for God’s mercy that also never changes. 1-6
2. Returning to the Lord involves keeping his commandments from the heart including the giving of our ties and offerings. 7-12
3. Those that do not have a genuine wine conversion or love relationship with God among God’s people loathe the practices of worship in the morning before God because they do not see any personal benefit for themselves in its. As a result people idolize the proud and consider them blessed and those that are wicked are highly regarded and included positions of power. 13-15
4. Those that fear the Lord have their hearts set on him and often speak to one another about the Lord. God prizes such as his special sons and will gather them together around him as the precious jewels in a crown. This speaks of the marriage supper of the Lamb and it is after that, they return to judge between those that serve God and those that do not serve God. 16-18

March 12, 2014 Wednesday
2nd Chronicles 18:
A tactic of Satan is to get the righteous to compromise by using their natural human sympathy to draw them into helping the unrighteous and thus condoning their unrighteousness against the Lord. False prophets are those that will condone such unrighteousness in leadership by remaining silent so that God allows a false lying spirit to operate through their gifting to lead people into greater deception and compromise.

March 13, 2014 Thursday
Zechariah 3:
Those that are chosen are pre-marked by God and have a great hunger for God and to seek God in prayer although they may have the uncleanness and deception of independent sinful ways in them. Satan accuses them over these things but they still seek God till God intervenes and removes their sinful unclean ways. The Lord rebukes the accusations and opposition of Satan and points out that he has specifically pre-chosen and pre-marked them. This is the case with Joshua the high priest, and then God replaces his filthy garments of sin with the clean garments of righteousness. It is likewise the case with Israel as a nation and the time will come when they will recognize their true identity in the Messiah as the all seeing all knowing true cornerstone. God sends his servant The Branch. This word means an insignificant sprout that appears out of obscurity like an ambush to take people by surprise but then buds forth to be revealed as the Messiah.
2666) Hmy% (Hmy% TsMHh) ac: Sprout co: Sprout ab: ?: The springing up of a plant or bud.
V) Hmy% (Hmy% Ts-MHh) — Sprout: To grow out or spring forth. [freq. 33] (vf: Paal, Hiphil, Piel) |kjv: grow, spring, bring, bud, bear| {H6779}
Nm) Hmy% (Hmy% Ts-MHh) — Sprout: A plant that sprouts out of the ground or a bud that sprouts out of a tree. [freq. 12] |kjv: branch, bud, grew, spring| {H6780}

March 15, 2014 Saturday
Galatians 1:
Paul the apostle received the Revelation of the gospel not by the teachings of man but by God revealing the gospel to him.

March 17, 2014 Monday
Genesis 19:
Those that are called people of God that are caught up with the cares of this life continue to linger in the place where God’s judgment is about to fall and would be destroyed by the judgment of God if it were not for the mercy of God to awaken them to his soon impending judgment. May we not be those that are desensitized to the wrath of God against evil and God’s serious soon coming judgments.

March 18, 2014 Tuesday
Isaiah 25:
It is in the mountain of the LORD which speaks of the government of God in Jerusalem on mount Olivet that it was prophesied that the LORD would conquer death and deception over the nations. The word city in Hebrew means gathering of the people and indeed the LORD will destroy the gathering of the people in independence of God as mentioned in Isaiah 24. The LORD swallows death which means God absorbs (similar to swallowing) the consequences of sin upon himself through becoming a perfect atoning sacrifice.

March 19, 2014 Wednesday
Daniel 11:
The detailed events in Daniel 11 that were prophesied were all accurately fulfilled including the Anti-Christ in Antiochus, but these fulfillments are foretype of the ultimate fulfillment in the last days of the same antichrist spirit.

March 20, 2014 Thursday
Galatians 4:
There are 2 meanings to being under the law. Israel was under the law in the sense that they observed all the ceremonial practices of the law including the 10 Commandments. The other sense of being under the law was in making the law the focus of their relationship which is a focus on self through self-sufficiency and performance rather than on God. Marriage to the law rather than relationship with God is to be in bondage to the principle behind the present order of the governments of this world. This is a destructive principle because it is focused on self which results in choices contrary to the highest lasting good, wholeness and everlasting fulfillment.

March 22, 2014 Saturday
1st Thessalonians 5:
The day of the Lord comes in a way that we do not expect as a thief. This means to watch and be sober which means to enter into a state of constant awakening and of being real rather than foolish. This means that we should be putting on the breastplate of persuasion of trust in Christ and of wholehearted unconditional love and obedience towards Christ with the helmet that never gives up hope with a view to see full deliverance from all that is not of God and that is destructive in our lives. We can look forward to the day of the Lord because God has not appointed us to wrath but to enter into the full salvation including the redemption of our bodies. We should always be rejoicing and pray without ceasing because no matter what we face is God’s will that we learn to get thanks in all things. Therefore we should never quench the Spirit of God or despise prophecies but rather should prove everything as to whether it is of God or not, and hold fast to that which is good. We should also be careful that we do not appear to be evil in the eyes of others by things that we say or do. When we do these things God is able to be faithful to complete the work that He has begun in us towards the full salvation of our whole being.

March 24, 2014 Monday
Psalms 146:
DEF: Praise
H1984 הָלַל halal (haw-lal’) v.
1. to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color)
2. to shine
3. (hence) to make a show, to boast
4. and thus to be (clamorously) foolish
5. to rave
6. causatively, to celebrate
Le% (Le% HL) ac: Shine co: Star ab: Distant: The pictograph e is a picture of a man with his arms raised looking at a great sight. The l is a shepherd staff representing the idea of “toward” as the staff is used to move a sheep toward a direction. Combined these letters mean “a looking toward something” such as the looking toward a light in the distance.
Le% (Le% HL) ac: Look co: ? ab: ?: To look toward a sight
We should be continually praising the LORD while we are conscious. This is because we look with the eye of our heart at who God is and shine with noticeable light by deed and words towards how glorious the LORD is who is our hope. We thank God continually for His mercy to the helpless.

March 25, 2014 Tuesday
Ezra 9 and 10:
In the genuine fear of God there is awareness of the great anger of God against compromise and sin. Such people will weep and mourn in humiliation without food or water over the terrible sins that others in the church have committed. They will also pay the price to bring forth the genuine fruit of repentance by separating themselves permanently from all compromise and uncleanness of unbelievers including the divorcing of wives and children that are idolatrous with the unclean ways of the world.

March 26, 2014 Wednesday
Amos 5:
When a nation is in apostasy and about to face severe judgment from God because of its iniquity God calls his people to seek him that they might live and not die. In fact the very places that are the most religions such as in this case, Bethel, meaning the house of God, and Gilgal which was a place of much animal sacrifices, are the places God warns to stay away from because his wrath is so great against them. This is because they are holding the truth in unrighteousness. God commands his people to hate the evil and love the good and to establish judgment in the entering of the gate which is the place of commerce in the city.

March 27, 2014 Thursday
Jeremiah 26:
Genuine prophet of God will speak the word of judgment that is not what people want to hear to the point of those people seeking to kill him and yet still will not fear to speak the same word of the Lord to them. False prophets have fear and flee when their word is tested and their life threatened.

March 29, 2014 Saturday
Deuteronomy 29:
It is walking in the imagination of one’s heart by choice that brings the pursuit of fulfillment in self above God. This self thirst leads to spiritual and physical drunkenness and insensitivity to the reality of God and of his judgments with the result of severe judgment and destruction that that leads to everlasting torment in hell. (vs 19 And it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst. ) It is this condition of hardness in the heart the cuts one off from the Revelation of God to be able to hear and obey the voice of the Lord. (vs 3,4) The great temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those great miracles: Deut 4:34; Deut 7:19; 4 Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day.

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