• March 12, 2025 1:40 pm

Tabernacle for the Son


May 20, 2021
Tabernacle for the SonTabernacle for the Son

How messages are preached prophetically

Message on
Psalms 19 and Acts 1
Message length: 42:36

May 19, 2021 Wednesday
Psalms 19 and Acts 1
The stars and the firmament appear as a tabernacle for the sun to King David. The sun is likened under Jesus Christ who lights up the firmament and creation which represents God’s people and his corporate bride. The word of God is then compared to the sun that gives light and direction to the people of God. In Acts chapter 1 is the beginning of the New Testament church. That preparation involved waiting on God and removing corrupt spiritual authority and replacing it with righteous spiritual authority. This preparation is for Christ coming back to fully inhabit his corporate bride.

May 20, 2031 Thursday
Daniel 1 in Jeremiah 21
Daniel 1 reveals a type of God’s people being prepared for the day of visitation from God to marry His corporate bride. They had to pay the price to not defile themselves with the things of the world but only to eat that which is pure from God so that they would shine bright and be filled with God’s wisdom at His coming.


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