Preached as the Oracles
of God on May 3, 2014
LUKE 14 ( 1. 26. 48 )
Main Message from 2:55 to 1.26.48

April 14, 2014 Monday
Luke 14:
We are to bid farewell to all that we have including our own life so that we are not at all attached to the things of this life in our use of them. This comes through the fear of God in prayer that counts the cost of loving God first above ones life and all that is precious to them. Those that did not make it to the marriage supper were those that started out with consecration. They were entangled by making temporal things a priority over the kingdom of God.
DEF: Forsake: G657 ἀποτάσσομαι apotassomai (ap-ot-as’-som-ai) v.
1. (literally) to bid farewell (by departing or dismissing)
2. (figuratively) to renounce
[middle voice from G575 and G5021]
KJV: bid farewell, forsake, take leave, send away
Root(s): G575, G5021
April 15, 2014 Tuesday
John 8:
Those that will never experience death are those that keep the messages of Jesus Christ. It is continuing, that is, to remain abiding permanently with endurance in obedience to God and His word that frees us from bondage to sin which causes death so that indeed we come to a place of complete liberty.
April 16, 2014 Wednesday
2nd Kings 15:
When people condone the sin of their leader by not standing against it they become partakers of that sin which brings in the significant shortening of one’s life well before their time from generation to generation as long as the compromise continues.
April 17, 2014 Thursday
Colossians 1:
We with Paul the apostle, should be filled with thankfulness for the Saints and faithful brethren. This is in regards to their destiny in heaven and that their intimate relationship in knowing God would increase with a life that is fruitful. That they would have increasing revelation of their inheritance with the saints in light in relation to knowing Christ in his fullness.
April 18, 2014 Good Friday
James 1:
May we not be those that judge people according to outward appearance but equally treat those that tend to be looked down on as well as those that tend to be looked up to. May we be careful to be doers of the word of God by faith by showing mercy even to those that deserve judgment and providing for the needs of poor.
April 19, 2014 Saturday
2nd Samuel 6:
The genuine fear of God brings deep honor and reverence to the Lord that does not allow the slightest that would be less and to be otherwise brings serious judgment from God on those professed people of God that have treated the LORD of Hosts as less in any measure. It is our lack to walk in the genuine full fear of God that brings God’s judgment upon the people of God lacking this. We must be receptive to these judgments by acknowledging that the execution of them upholds the goodness of God and its everlasting enlargement. This recognition is the genuine fear of God out of which comes the acknowledgment of the greatness of his mercy and grace that releases God’s favour and blessing with great liberty in our lives.
April 21, 2014 Monday
2nd Timothy 1:
Power, love and a sound mind are the result of conquering fear which is not of God. We must take the initiative to conquer fear by seeking God by entering into a relationship of faith and love. The failure to store up the gift of godliness is often the result of fear. May we be courageous to stir up the gift of God in us and to boldly proclaim the gospel.
April 22, 2014 Tuesday
1st Timothy 4:
We are to remind ourselves and the body of Christ about great deception by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils that seek to get us trusting in outward performance of various practices of self denial. Ministers of the gospel are to refuse fables and rather make the exercise of godliness the priority over even the profit of physical exercise. We are to be an example so that no man will be allowed to despise us in the work of the ministry because of our words, life style, love, expression of our spirit, faith and purity. We are to give ourselves wholly to the gifts God has given us and to the doctrine so that we save ourselves and those that hear us.
April 23, 2014 Wednesday
Ezekiel 22:
When those that are Priests to lead people in worship do not make a difference between the holy and the profane and the prophets prophecy lies unto the people and unite them around these false lies then God’s anger will soon fall.
April 24, 2014 Thursday
Philippians 4:
We are commanded to stand fast in the LORD, to rejoice in the LORD and to not allow anything to make us anxious. Rather we are to take everything through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and make it known before the LORD. This allows God’s peace to keep our hearts and minds in peace even when various things and trials go beyond our ability to understand. This also requires that we think on all those things that are good. The God of peace will then be with us when we do those things through inspiration by our leaders that are an example in our lives to follow Christ more and more do.
April 28, 2014 Monday
Jeremiah 26:
A true prophet speaks the truth of God’s word even if it means the people will most likely seek to kill him and does not flee out of fear of hearing of their pursuit to kill him or her.
April 29, 2014 Tuesday
Jeremiah 49:
God will also judge all Gentile nations and with some will restore them after they have been judged at a later date or in the last days such as Elam.
April 30, 2014 Wednesday
Proverbs 4:
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. (vs7)
Wisdom: Def: Mkh חָכמָה
The Hebrew word shows wisdom to be right choices to build towards what is constructive unto wholeness, meaning and life out of receptivity of heart to God as the life source with the qualities of God’s being like unto water that are even, consistent in response and full of life. “wise; skillful; practical.” Religious experience was not a routine, a ritual, or faith experience. It was viewed as a mastery of the art of living in accordance with God’s expectations. In their definition, the words “mastery” and “art” signify that wisdom was a process of attainment and not an accomplishment. The religious sense of h?akam excludes delusion, craftiness, shrewdness, and magic. God is the source of wisdom, as He is wise. “Wisdom” is viewed as crying out for disciples who will do everything to pursue her (Prov. 1:20). The person who seeks h?okmâ diligently will receive understanding: “For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding” (Prov. 2:6); he will benefit in his life by walking with God: “That thou mayest walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous” (Prov. 2:20).
DEF: Understanding Nb%is the ability to have ungoing habitation and enlargement of fulfillment out of recognizing what is hidden like seed under the ground but can spring forth unto ongoing life of fulfillment represented in the tent as the habitation of security and lasting comfort.
May 1, 2014 Thursday
Zephaniah 2:
There is a coming day known as the day of the Lord’s anger against the nations that have come against the nation of Israel. Those that will be evident from the day of the Lord’s anger are those that seek the Lord and are meek and worked his judgments and sought meekness and righteousness. Cities where there is much rejoicing over temporal things and carelessness like no one exists besides them in their pleasures and ease will be destroyed by God’s judgments.