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The Everlasting Gospel of the Last Days

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  • The Everlasting Gospel of the Last Days


Preached as the Oracles
of God on 12.22.2013 ( 1′ 15.26″ )

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To Watch Main Core of Message move to 24:00



December 16, 2013 Monday
Ephesians 2:
1. God gave eternal life to those who were once dead who lived according to the perpetuous patterns of this world that are influenced by the Devil that dwells in the air and works to feed rebellion against God in those given to the self-seeking independence of lusts. 1-3
2. God showed mercy to us even while we were doomed to destruction in our sins against God because he brought us to the place of recognizing our need for his mercy and of the unworthiness of our own attempts to please God. In fact God has raised us from the dead and brought us into union with God in Christ so that we can experience sitting in communion with God in heavenly realms of his presence. 4-10
3. There was enmity between God and the Gentiles and Jews because of their failure to keep the commandments of God and also between the Gentiles and the Jews with each other because of the same failure to fulfill righteousness in the keeping of the Commandments out of relationship of fellowship with God. Christ put to death this enmity between God and each other by completely fulfilling the Commandments in his flesh allowing him to be a perfect atoning sacrifice to absorb our deserved judgment. 11-17
4. Now both the Gentiles and the Jews have access by the Spirit of God unto God the Father and they’re all being gathered together under the headship of Christ to form his corporate bride in which God can fully abide and reside. 18-22

December 17, 2013 Tuesday
John 8:
G3306 μένω meno (men’-o) v.
1. to remain
2. (in a place) to abide, to stay
3. (of expectancy) to await
4. (in a state) to continue
5. (in a task) to endure
6. (of a relationship) to exist permanently in, inseparably united (inhere, adhere)
[a primary verb]
KJV: abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry (for), X thine own
If one seeks the truth in the word of God and continues to persevere to know the truth in the word of God they will come to be receptive learners of the truth that is coming from God so that they come to have a genuine heart knowledge of the truth that sets them free from bondage to sin. This comes by acknowledging the full expression of God into this world who is Jesus Christ as the source of their salvation from sin and death.

Those that are slaves to sin justify their sin by the performance of supposed righteous practices of obedience to please God. In fact they are in conformity to the original 1st sin of Satan and also Cain who justified their independence from God. This is because they are the originator of what is delusional and not the truth in a life that is in actual fact in disobedience to God by over desire to fill the void of their soul for temporal fulfillments of self-righteous self worship that seeks glory to self in the eyes of others and of their false conception of God as one that is without mercy.

December 18, 2013 Wednesday
Hosea 7:
Conditions of nations and apostasy that are ripe for judgment are seen in the apostasy of Israel.

December 21, 2013 Saturday
Psalms 28:
When we pray there should be a cry from the very depth of our being in recognition that God is our ultimate immovable everlasting reality. There should also be the recognition and requisition of our utter need to have a clear answer from God, and of our helplessness apart from God’s mercy to save ourselves from sliding into rebellion against God that would send us to hell. We should plead with God to not let us be drawn away with such people and acknowledge and hate the evil of their deeds in light of the greatness of the works of God. We should also bless the Lord in the recognition that he has heard are supplications and is our very life’s strength and shield because we have and to do trust in Him.

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